Every once in a while, everybody needs to go for a checkup and see a doctor. When these checkups happen, the doctor is very likely to use a health screening method. Health screening methods are used to check if anything is wrong with a person. They can identify any health problems just from the results of a health screening.
One of such health screening methods would be BMI. BMI stands for Body Mass Index and it gives a general result of whether a person is overweight, underweight or normal for their height. This is very helpful because it can show if a person is overweight or underweight in which case, is eating too much or too little. It is very simple to calculate and several websites have been made just to help people calculate it. It is a fast and simple method to see if a person is in need of medical help.
Although it is very useful to such an extent, it does have certain disadvantages. A BMI reading is not always accurate, as it only depends on height and weight. Because of this, it does not identify if a person is healthy and very muscular or if a person were unhealthy and extremely overweight. If Michael Phelps were to do a BMI test, it might say that he is obese, judging from how much he eats. In this case it would be wrong because Michael Phelps got his size because of his extreme health and fitness.